Tytuł |
Autor |
Rok |
Miejsce wydania |
Wydawca |
Sygnatura |
Tematyka |
Regiony |
Tom |
Nazwa serii |
Tom/Nr w serii |
Uwagi |
Peculiarities of andean spanish. Department of Puno (S.E. Peru) | Cutts, Penelope J. | 1973 | St. Andrews | University of St. Andrews, Centre for Latin American Linguistic Studies | C 122 / 22 |
Językoznawstwo - j. hiszpański |
Andy Peru |
Working Papers. University of St. Andrews, Centre for Latin American Linguistic Studies | 22 | ||
The architecture of Antigua, Guatemala, 1543-1773 | Annis, Verle Lincoln | 1968 | Guatemala | University of San Carlos of Guatemala | K 3767 |
Architektura |
Gwatemala |
Political (in)justice. Authoritarianism and the rule of law in Brazil, Chile, and Argentina | Pereira, Anthony W. | 2005 | Pittsburgh | University of Pittsburgh Press | K 3515 |
Polityka Prawo |
Argentyna Brazylia Chile Ameryka Południowa |
Pitt Latin American Series | |||
The explorers of South America | Goodman, Edward J. | 1992 | Norman | University of Oklahoma Press | K 2843 |
Historia |
Ameryka Południowa |
Death squads or self-defense forces? : how paramilitary groups emerge and challenge democracy in Latin America | Mazzei, Julie | 2009 | Chapel Hill | University of North Carolina Press | K 3712 |
Polityka |
Ameryka Łacińska Kolumbia Meksyk Salwador |
Foreigners in their native land; historical roots of the Mexican Americans. Edited by David J. Weber. Foreword by Ramón Eduardo Ruiz. | Weber, David J. (ed.) | 1973 | University of New Mexico Press | K 3732 |
Migracje Historia |
USA Meksyk |
Albuquerque | ||||
United States policy in Latin America : a decade of crisis and challenge | Martz, John D. | 1995 | Lincoln | University of Nebraska Press | K 3733 |
Polityka Stosunki międzynarodowe |
Ameryka Łacińska USA |
The Jesuit and the Incas : the extraordinary life of Padre Blas Valera, S.J. | Hyland, Sabine | 2003 | Ann Arbor | University of Michigan Press | K 3237 |
Indianie - Inkowie Religia Historia Biografie / pamiętniki / wspomnienia |
Andy Peru |
History, Languages, and Cultures of the Spanish and Portuguese Worlds | |||
El proceso de industrializacion por sustitucion de importaciones en el Peru 1950-1977: de la industria integrada a la industria de ensamblaje | Cabieses, Hugo | 1978 | Lund | University of Lund | C 88 / 117 |
Ekonomia |
Peru |
Research Policy Program, Documento de Trabajo | 117 | ||
Growth, stagnation and the role of foreign capital in the peruvian mining industry | Brundenius, Claes | 1978 | Lund | University of Lund | C 88 / 118 |
Ekonomia |
Peru |
Research Policy Program, Discussion Paper | 118 | ||
Another Venezuela? Some of the issues at stake | Brundenius, Claes | 1978 | Lund | University of Lund | C 88 / 124 |
Ekonomia |
Wenezuela |
Research Policy Program, Discussion Paper | 124 | ||
Provincial Inca : archaeological and ethnohistorical assessment of the impact of the Inca state | Malpass, Michael Andrew (red.) | 1993 | Iowa City | University of Iowa Press | K 2683 |
Archeologia Historia - epoka prekolumbijska Indianie - Inkowie |
Andy Peru |
Reading Inca history | Julien, Catherine | 2000 | Iowa City | University of Iowa Press | K 2760 |
Historia - epoka prekolumbijska Indianie - Inkowie |
Andy Peru |
The shape of Inca history : narrative and architecture in an Andean empire | Niles, Susan A. | 1999 | Iowa City | University of Iowa Press | K 2749 |
Archeologia Architektura Historia - epoka prekolumbijska Indianie - Inkowie |
Andy Peru |
Reading Inca history | Julien, Cathrine | 2000 | Iowa City | University of Iowa Press | K 3519 |
Indianie - Inkowie Historia |
Andy |
Reflections on and outlook for Higher Education in Latin America. Final Report - Tuning Latin America Project 2004-2007 | Beneitone, Pablo (et al.) | 2007 | Bilbao | University of Deusto, University of Groningen | K 3494 |
Edukacja Statystyka |
Ameryka Łacińska |
Mexico's alternative political futures | Cornelius, Wayne A.; Gentleman, Judith; Smith, Peter H.; | 1989 | San Diego | University of California, San Diego. Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies | K 3864 |
Ekonomia Historia - XX/XXI w. Polityka |
Meksyk |
Post-Revolutionary Nicaragua. State, Class and the Dilemmas of Agrarian Policy | Colburn, Forrest D. | 1986 | Berkeley-Los Angeles | University of California Press | K 0497 |
Polityka Rolnictwo Ekonomia |
Nikaragua |
The Forging of the Cosmic Race. A Reinterpretation of Colonial Mexico | MacLachlan, Colin M.; Rodriguez O., Jaime E. | 1980 | Berkeley/Los Angeles/London | University of California Press | K 0120 |
Historia - okres kolonialny Historia |
Meksyk |
Our daily bread. The Peasant Question and Family Farming in the Colombian Andes | Reinhardt, Nola | 1988 | Berkeley - Los Angeles - London | University of California Press | K 0182 |
Wieś |
Andy Kolumbia |