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Myers, Rodica "Cuando el sol caminaba por la tierra. Origenes d ela intermediacion kallawaya" | Journal de la Societe des Americanistes | Brohan, Mickael | 2003 | 236-239 | T. 89-2 | Cz 003 | Comptes Rendus | ||
Chavarria Mendoza, Maria "Eshawakuana, sombras o espiritus. Identidad y armonia en la tradicion oral ese eja" | Journal de la Societe des Americanistes | Brohan, Mickael | 2003 | 239-243 | T. 89-2 | Cz 003 | Comptes Rendus | ||
Edna M. Rodriguez-Mangual: Lydia Cabrera and the Construction of an Afro-Cuban Identity. University of North Carolina press, 2004 | Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe | Bronfman, Alejandra | 2005 | 207-208 | Vol.16 No.1 | Cz 276 | Resenas de Libros | ||
James Lockhart and Stuart B. Schwartz, early Latin America: A History of Colonial Spanish America and Brazil | Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y el Caribe | Bronner, Fred | 1984 | 124-125 | No. 37 | Cz 023 | Resenas / Book Reviews | ||
The geography of development or the development of geography: recent texts on Latin America | Latin American Antiquity | Browder, John O. | 1989 | 250-260 | Vol.XXIV, No.1 | Cz 051 | Review essays | ||
Domestic architecture, ethnicity, and complementarity in south-central Andes, edited by Mark S. Aldenderfer | Latin American Antiquity | Browman, David L. | 1994 | 282-284 | Vol.5 Nr 3 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Cultural process, cultural context and revisionism: recent works on Andean civilization and cosmology | Latin American Research Review | Browman, David L. | 1994 | 235-248 | Vol.29, Nr.2 | Cz 051 | Review essays | ||
Lithic Provenience Analysis and Emerging material Complexity at Formative Period Chiripa, Bolivia | Andean Past | Browman, David L. | 1998 | 301-324 | Vol. 5 | Cz 055 | Miscellanea | ||
The Origins and the First 25 Years (1973-1997) of the Midwestern Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory | Andean Past | Browman, David L. | 2001 | 347-367 | Vol. 6 | Cz 055 | |||
Introduction, from structuralism to the new institutional economics: a half-century of Latin American economic historiography | Latin American Research Review | Brown, Jonathan C. | 2005 | 97-99 | Vol.40, Nr.3 | Cz 051 | Research Forum | ||
Report on lists of doctoral dissertations and master's theses on Latin America | Latin American Research Review | Brown, Larry C. | 1971 | 127-129 | Vol.VI, No.3 | Cz 051 | Reports | ||
From discard to divination: demarcating the sacred through the collection and curation of discarded objects | Latin American Antiquity | Brown, Linda A. | 2000 | 319-334 | Vol.11 Nr 4 | Cz 193 | |||
Planting the bones: hunting ceremonialism at contemporary and nineteenth-century shrines in the Guatemalan Highlands | Latin American Antiquity | Brown, Linda A. | 2005 | 131-146 | Vol.16, Nr 2 | Cz 193 | |||
"Liberty and Equality in Caribbean Colombia 1770-1835", by Aline Helg "Between Resistance and Adaptation. Indigenous Peoples and the Colonisation of the Choco, 1510-1753", by Caroline A. Williams | Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies | Brown, Matthew (rec.) | 2005 | 153-156 | No. 79 | Cz 023 | Resenas / Book Reviews | ||
Cultural resistance and rebellion in southern Mexico | Latin American Research Review | Brown, Pete | 1998 | 217-229 | Vol.33, Nr.3 | Cz 051 | |||
Lynda Elliot Spickard, July 14, 1944 - August 10, 1999 | Andean Past | Brown, Robin M. | 2001 | 1-5 | Vol. 6 | Cz 055 | |||
The Diverse Nature of the Mexican Northern Border: The Case of Urban Employment | Frontera Norte | Browning, Harley; Zenteno, Rene M. | 1993 | 11-31 | Vol.5, num.9 | Cz 287 | |||
Historia da comunidade polaca na America Latina. | Estudios Latinoamericanos | Brożek, Andrzej; Papis, Bożena (Trad.) | 1985-1986 | 212-216 | T. 10 | Cz 004 | |||
Patrones de asentamiento, rutas de comunicación y mercancías de intercambio a larga distancia en el Formativo Tardío del Austro Ecuatoriano | Bulletin de l'Institut Francais d'Etudes Andines | Bruhns, Karen Olsen | 2010 | 683-696 | 39 no 3 | Cz 368 |
Archeologia Kultura Rzemiosło / sztuka ludowa |
Ekwador |
Women in ancient America, by Karen Olsen Bruhns and Karen E. Stothert | Latin American Antiquity | Brumfiel, Elizabeth M. | 2000 | 197-198 | Vol.11 Nr 2 | Cz 193 | Book Reviews |