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Artykuły w czasopismach











The Extraction of Non-Timber Forest Products as a Conservation Strategy in Amazonia Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Assies, Willem 1997 33-53 No. 62 Cz 023 Environmental Issues in Amazonia
The Exploitation of Aquatic Resources at Lake Cuitzeo, Michoacan, Mexico: An Ethnoarchaeological Study Latin American Antiquity Williams, Eduardo 2009 607-627 Vol. 20, Nr 4 Cz 193 Archeologia
Etnografia / etnologia
The Euroean Union and Caribbean Region: Situating the Caribbean Overseas and Territories Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Sutton Paul 2012 79-94 No 93 Cz 023 Polityka
Stosunki międzynarodowe
The ethnoarchaeology of Salt Production at Lake Cuitzeo, Michoacan, Mexico Latin American Antiquity Williams, Eduardo 1999 400-414 Vol.10 Nr 4 Cz 193
The ethics of collecting cultural property: Whose culture? Whose property? Edited by Phyllis Mauch Messenger Latin American Antiquity Reents-Budet, Dorie 2000 209-210 Vol.11 Nr 2 Cz 193 Book Reviews
The Environmentally Concerned Scientific Community in Chile Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Rojas, Alejandro 1994 93-118 No. 56 Cz 023
The enigma of Latin American independence: analyses of the last ten years Latin American Research Review Uribe, Victor M. 1997 236-255 Vol.32, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review Essays
The emperor's mirror: understanding cultures through primary sources, by Russel J. Barber and Frances F. Berdan Latin American Antiquity Carmack, Robert M. 1999 435-436 Vol.10 Nr 4 Cz 193 Review
The Emergence of Latin America in The Nineteenth Century by David Bushnell and Neill Macaulay Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y el Caribe Bantjes, Adrian 1989 124-125 No. 46 Cz 023
The Elusive Field of Jewish Latin American Studies Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies Sorj, Bernardo 2007 207-212 Vol. 2, No. 2 Cz 356 Review Essays
The Elusive Democracy: Political Parties, Democratic Institutions, and Civil Society in Mexico Latin American Research Review Olvera, Alberto J. 2010 79-107 Special Issue Cz 051 Special Issue: Living in Actually Existing Democracies Polityka
The Economy of Supply: Modeling Obsidian Procurement and Craft Provisioning at a Central Mexican Urban Center Latin American Antiquity Hirth, Kenneth G. 2008 435-458 Vol. 19, Nr 4, Dec. 2008 Cz 193 Archeologia
Ameryka Łacińska
The economy of ancient Matacapan Ancient Mesoamerica Santley, Robert S. 1994 243-266 vol.5, nr.2 Cz 192
The economic viability of sugar production based on slave labor in Cuba, 1859-1878 Latin American Research Review Bergad, Laird W. 1989 95-113 Vol.XXIV, No.1 Cz 051
The Economic Structure of the World, Its Transformation and the Place of Eastern Europe and Latin America in It. Estudios Latinoamericanos Szul, Roman 1992 341-351 T. 14/II Cz 004
The Economic Geography of Chert Lithic Production in the Southern Maya Lowlands: A Comparative Examination of Early Stage Reduction Debris Latin American Antiquity Speal, C. Scott 2009 91-119 Vol. 20, Nr 1 Cz 193 PART 1: THEMED SECTION ON TECHNOLOGY APPROACHES Archeologia
Indianie - Majowie
The Early-Modern Ibero-American World Latin American Research Review Bauer, Ralph 2008 225-238 Vol. 43, Nr 3 Cz 051 review essay Historia - odkrycie i podbój
Ameryka Łacińska
The Eagle and the Serpent on the Screen: The State as Spectacle in Mexican Cinema Latin American Research Review Chavez, Daniel 2010 115-141 Vol. 45, Nr 3 Cz 051 Polityka
The Dynamics of Societal Conflicts as a Challenge for Sysytematic Change: Poland in the Eighties. Estudios Latinoamericanos Adamski, Władysław 1992 269-273 T. 14/I Cz 004
The Dynamics of School Relations on the Urban Periphery of Guadalajara, Western Mexico Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Martin, Christopher 1992 61-81 No. 53 Cz 023

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