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Artykuły w czasopismach











The history of the family in Latin America: a critique of recent work Latin American Research Review Kuznesof, Elizabeth Anne 1989 168-186 Vol.XXIV, No.2 Cz 051 Review essays
The History of Peruvian Women's Volleyball Studies in Latin American Popular Culture Sanchez-Leon, Abelardo 1994 143-153 Vol. 13 Cz 280
The Historical Role of the Intelligentsia in East-Central and South-Eastern Europe. Estudios Latinoamericanos Żarnowski, Janusz; Wojtasiewicz, Olgierd (Trad.) 1992 351-361 T. 14/I Cz 004
The Hispanic horizon in Yucatan: a model of Franciscan missionization Ancient Mesoamerica Hanson, Craig A. 1995 15-28 vol.6, nr.1 Cz 192
The Hispanic Atlantic's Tasajo Trail Latin American Research Review Sluyter, Andrew 2010 98-120 Vol. 45, Nr. 1 Cz 051 Handel
Ameryka Południowa
The Hincks-Beaumont Imbroglio. Partisan Politics in British Guiana in the 1860s Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y el Caribe Mangru, Basdeo 1987 99-114 No. 43 Cz 023
The Guyana-Suriname boundary dispute: an historical appraisal, c. 1683-1816 Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y el Caribe Thompson, Alvin O. 1985 63-83 No. 39 Cz 023
The guinea pig in the Andean economy: from household animal to market commodity Latin American Research Review Morales, Edmundo 1994 129-142 Vol.29, Nr.3 Cz 051 Research reports and notes
The great name confirmation ceremonies of the Mebengokre of Central Brazil and the fabrication of beautiful people Estudios Latinoamericanos Lea, Vanessa 2005 87-102 T. 25 Cz 004
The Great Father and the Danger - Religious Cults, Material Forces and Collective Fantasies in the World of the Surinamese Maroons by H.U.E. Thoden van Velzen and W. van Wetering Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y el Caribe Geschiere, Pieter 1991 153-155 No. 51 Cz 023 Resenas / Book Reviews
The Globalization of Korean Industry: Korean Maquiladoras in Mexico Frontera Norte Dae Won Choi; Kenny, Martin 1997 5-22 Vol.9, num.17 Cz 287
The geography of development or the development of geography: recent texts on Latin America Latin American Antiquity Browder, John O. 1989 250-260 Vol.XXIV, No.1 Cz 051 Review essays
The Geographies of Indigenous Self-representation in Ecuador: Hybridity, Gender and Resistence Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Radcliffe, Sarah A. 1997 9-27 No. 63 Cz 023
The Geoglyphs of Palpa, Peru: Documentation Analysis, and Interpretation, by Karsten Lambers Latin American Antiquity Conlee, Christina A. 2008 475-476 Vol. 19, Nr 4, Dec. 2008 Cz 193 review Archeologia
Ameryka Łacińska
The Gate Keepers of Popular Music in Mexico: National and Transnational Record Producers Studies in Latin American Popular Culture Riggio F., Annette 1986 19-30 Vol. 5 Cz 280
The Future of the IMF: A Latin American Perspective Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Cabezas, Maritza 2008 61-70 No. 84 Cz 023 Exploraciones / Explorations
The Fifth Symposium on Urbanization in America: a report on the proceedings Latin American Research Review Bainbridge, Cowell 1976 187-194 Vol.XI, No.1 Cz 051 Research Reports and Notes
The field of Cuban studies Latin American Research Review Perez-Stable, Marifeli 1991 239-250 Vol.26, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review essays
The fall of the ancient Maya: solving the mystery of the Maya collapse, by David Webster Latin American Antiquity Ardren, Traci 2005 225-226 Vol.16, Nr 2 Cz 193 Reviews
The Failure of Caribbean Integration: Lessons from Grass Roots Basketball Studies in Latin American Popular Culture Mandle, Jay R.; Mandle, Joan D. 1994 153-164 Vol. 13 Cz 280

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