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Artykuły w czasopismach











Agnes, la loca del nomeolvides: el derrumbamiento de la singularidad y la reistencia a los lugares comunes Escritos Bracho Miguel Angel 2009 224-236 vol. 17, no 38 Cz 369 Literatura
Nauka o literaturze
Plegaria a Marte: Texto latino conforme a la division en versos y estrofas del profesor Angelo Mercado Escritos 2009 238-263 vol. 17, no 38 Cz 369 Językoznawstwo
Noviembre, vestido de flores. Diciembre desnuda Escritos Parra Ochoa Lina Maria 2009 266-268 vol 17, no 38 Cz 369 poezja
"La escritura y la experiencia poetica". Escritos Posada Ines (ed.) 2009 269-285 vol. 17, no 38 Cz 369 poezja
Why reform Fail: The "Politics of Policies" in Costa Rican Telecommunications Liberalization Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Hoffmann, Bert 2008 3-20 No. 84 Cz 023 Politics and Transnational Processes
Activismo transnacional y calidad de la democracia en Mexico: Reflexiones en torno al Caso de Ciudad Juarez Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Martin, Alberto; Fernandez, Ana; Villarreal, Karla 2008 21-36 No. 84 Cz 023 Politics and Transnational Processes
Trabajo y relaciones laborales en los enclaves minero-metalurgicos de la Amazonia oriental Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Pont Vidal, Josep 2008 37-59 No. 84 Cz 023 Politics and Transnational Processes
The Future of the IMF: A Latin American Perspective Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Cabezas, Maritza 2008 61-70 No. 84 Cz 023 Exploraciones / Explorations
Re-democratization in Guyana and Suriname: Critical Comparisons Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Singh, Chaitram 2008 71-85 No. 84 Cz 023 Exploraciones / Explorations
Reinventing Democracy in Bolivia and Latin America Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Salman, Ton 2008 87-100 No. 84 Cz 023 Review Essays / Ensayos de resena
Intellectuals and Dictators in the Dominican Republic Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Baud, Michiel 2008 101-105 No. 84 Cz 023 Review Essays / Ensayos de resena
"Dangerous Speech: A Social History of Blasphemy in Colonial Mexico" by Javier Villa-Flores Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Earle, Rebecca (rec.) 2008 106-107 No. 84 Cz 023 Resenas / Book Reviews
"South American Independence. Gender, Politics, Text" by Catherine Davies, Claire Brewster and Hilary Owen Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Boesten, Jelke (rec.) 2008 107-109 No. 84 Cz 023 Resenas / Book Reviews
"Courage Tastes of Blood: The Mapuche Community of Nicolas Ailio and the Chilean State, 1906-2001" by Florencia E. Mallon Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Carruthers, David V. (rec.) 2008 109-110 No. 84 Cz 023 Resenas / Book Reviews
"Seeing and Being Seen: The Q'eqchi' Maya of Livingstone, Guatemala and Beyond" Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Schackt, Jon (rec.) 2008 111-112 No. 84 Cz 023 Resenas / Book Reviews
"Subcommander Marcos. The man and his mask" by Nick Henck Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Papousek, Dick (rec.) 2008 112-114 No. 84 Cz 023 Resenas / Book Reviews
"Behind the Mask of Recognition - Defending autonomy and communal resource management in indigenous resguardos, Colombia" por Joris J. Van de Sandt Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Gamboa, Miguel (rec.) 2008 114-115 No. 84 Cz 023 Resenas / Book Reviews
"Music and Revolution. Cultural Change in Socialist Cuba" by Robin D. Moore Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Otter, Elisabeth den (rec.) 2008 115-116 No. 84 Cz 023 Resenas / Book Reviews
"The State on the Streets. Police and Politics in Argentina and Brasil" by Mercedes S. Hinton Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Denissen, Marieke (rec.) 2008 117-118 No. 84 Cz 023 Resenas / Book Reviews
"Latin America: A New Development Welfare State in the Making?" edited by Manuel Riesco Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Muniz Castillo, Mirtha Rosaura (rec.) 2008 118-120 No. 84 Cz 023 Resenas / Book Reviews

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