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Artykuły w czasopismach











The Peace Commission: A Consensus on the Recent Past in Uruguay? Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Allier, Eugenia 2006 87-96 No. 81 Cz 023 Exploracion / Exploration
The Patriarchy Problem: Sexism, Homophobia, and the Many Faces of Transgression to Normative Reprezentations of Difference Latin American Research Review Rizk, Beatriz J., Rizk 2007 238-252 Vol.42, Nr.2 Cz 051 Review Essays
The Paris Codex: handbook for a Maya priest, by Bruce Love, with an introduction by George E. Stuart Latin American Antiquity Bricker, Victoria R. 1995 283-284 Vol.6 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
The Paraguayan Rosetta Stone: new insights into the demographics of the Paraguayan War, 1864-1870 Latin American Research Review Whigham, Thomas L.; Potthast, Barbara 1999 174-186 Vol.34, Nr.1 Cz 051 Research Reports and Notes
The Paracas Mummy Bundles of the Great Necropolis of Wari Kayan: A History Andean Past Daggett, Richard E. 1994 53-75 Vol. 4 Cz 055 Thematic Section: Peru's South Coast: An Emerging Research Frontier
The Pampa de Chaparri: Water, Land, and Politics on the North Coast of Peru Latin American Antiquity Hayashida, Frances M. 2006 243-264 Vol.17 Nr 3 Cz 193
The paleoecology and ancient settlement of the Petexbatun region, Guatemala Ancient Mesoamerica Dunning, Nicholas; Beach, Timothy 1997 255-266 vol.8, nr.2 Cz 192
The origins presidential conditional agenda: setting power in Latin America Latin American Research Review Aleman, Eduardo; Tsebelis, George 2005 3-26 Vol.40, Nr.2 Cz 051
The origins of modern science in Costa Rica: the Instituto Fisico-Geografico Nacional, 1887-1904 Latin American Research Review Eakin, Marshall C. 1999 123-150 Vol.34, Nr.1 Cz 051
The Origins and the First 25 Years (1973-1997) of the Midwestern Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory Andean Past Browman, David L. 2001 347-367 Vol. 6 Cz 055
The origin of Puuc Slate Ware: new data from Sayil, Yucatan, Mexico Ancient Mesoamerica Smyth, Michael P.; Dore, Christopher D.; Heff, Hector [et al.] 1995 119-134 vol.6, nr.2 Cz 192
The Organic Agro-Export Boom in the Dominican Republic: Maintaining Tradition or Fostering Transformation? Latin American Research Review Raynolds, Laura T. 2008 161-184 Vol. 43, Nr 1 Cz 051 Ekologia
Ameryka Łacińska
The Olmecs: America’s First Civilization by Richard A. Diehl; and Olmec Archaeology and Early Mesoamerica by Christopher A. Pool Latin American Antiquity Cheetham, David (rec.) 2009 260-263 Vol. 20, Nr 4 Cz 193 Book Review Essay Archeologia
Historia - epoka prekolumbijska
The offerings of the Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan, by Leonardo Lopez Lujan Latin American Antiquity Berdan, Frances F. 1995 284-285 Vol.6 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
The Offerings of the Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan, by Leonardo Lopez Lujan Latin American Antiquity Lopez Mestas C., Lorenzo 2007 358-359 Vol.18 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
The Occupational History of Galindo, Moche Valley, Peru Latin American Antiquity Lockard, Gregory D. 2009 279-302 Vol. 20, Nr 2 Cz 193 Archeologia
The obsidian artifacts of Quelepa, El Salvador Ancient Mesoamerica Braswell, Geoffrey E.; Andrews, E. Wyllys V; Glascock, Michael D. 1994 173-192 vol.5, nr.2 Cz 192
The Novels of Corin Tellado Studies in Latin American Popular Culture Mendez, Jose Luis 1986 31-40 Vol. 5 Cz 280
The Nova Republica and the crisis in Bazilian cinema Latin American Research Review Johnson, Randal 1989 124-139 Vol.XXIV, No.1 Cz 051 Review essays
The northern Central American buffer: a current prespective Latin American Research Review Lange, Frederick W. 1976 177-183 Vol.XI, No.2 Cz 051 Books in Review

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