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Artykuły w czasopismach











On the trail of Latin American bandits: a reexamination of peasant resistance Latin American Research Review Joseph, Gilbert M. 1990 7-54 Vol.XXV, No.3 Cz 051
Stabilization, destabilization and the popular classes in Nicaragua, 1979-1988 Latin American Research Review Stahler-Sholk, Richard 1990 55-89 Vol.XXV, No.3 Cz 051
Rural women in Latin America: directions for future research Latin American Research Review Phillips, Lynne 1990 89-108 Vol.XXV, No.3 Cz 051
Argentine-Brazilian economic integration: an early appraisal Latin American Research Review Manzetti, Luigi 1990 109-140 Vol.XXV, No.3 Cz 051
Central America in the 1980s: political crisis and the social responsibility of anthropologists Latin American Research Review Bachrach Ehlers, Tracy 1990 141-155 Vol.XXV, No.3 Cz 051 Research reports and notes
In the name of History: a disciplinary critique of Orlando Fals Borda's "Historia doble de la costa" Latin American Research Review Berquist, Charles 1990 156-176 Vol.XXV, No.3 Cz 051 Research Reports and Notes
Policy and prescription in U.S.-Mexico relations Latin American Research Review Mumme, Stephen P. 1990 177-187 Vol.XXV, No.3 Cz 051 Review essays
Institutions and society in colonial Mexico Latin American Research Review English Martin, Cheryl 1990 188-198 Vol.XXV, No.3 Cz 051 Review essays
Slavery and its legacies Latin American Research Review Bergad, Laird W. 1990 199-213 Vol.XXV, No.3 Cz 051 Review essays
Recent studies on intervention and politics in Central America Latin American Research Review Anderson, Thomas P. 1990 214-220 Vol.XXV, No.3 Cz 051 Review essays
Chile reinvents democracy Latin American Research Review Krischke, Paulo J. 1990 221-236 Vol.XXV, No.3 Cz 051 Review essays
Fiction and nonfiction: problems in the study of Cuban foreign policy Latin American Research Review Fernandez, Damian J. 1990 237-247 Vol.XXV, No.3 Cz 051 Review essays
Repression and reconstruction of a culture: Argentina and the proceso militar Latin American Research Review Lehman, Kathryn; Logan, Joy 1990 248-258 Vol.XXV, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review essays
Current trends in Latin American reference books Latin American Research Review Grover, Mark L. 1990 259-267 Vol.XXV, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review essays

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