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Artykuły w czasopismach











Resistance, rebellion, and revolution in Latin America and the Caribbean at the millennium Latin American Research Review Selbin, Eric 2001 171-192 Vol.36, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review Essays
"Religious consumers" in a changing "religious marketplace" Latin American Research Review Steward-Gambino, Hannah W. 2001 193-206 Vol.36, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review Essays
Democracy, equity, and governance in Brazil Latin American Research Review Resende-Santos, Joao 2001 207-237 Vol.36, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review Essays
Reorienting the metropolis: Caribbean letters and the autonomist thrust Latin American Research Review Branche, Jerome 2001 238-246 Vol.36, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review Essays
The sexual revolution in Mexican studies: new perspectives on gender, sexuality, and culture in modern Mexico Latin American Research Review Bliss, Katherine Elaine 2001 247-268 Vol.36, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review Essays
Poverty, inequality, and growth in Latin America: searching for the high road to globalization Latin American Research Review Korzeniewicz, Roberto Patricio; Smith, William, C. 2000 7-54 Vol.35, Nr.3 Cz 051
The logic of clientelism in Argentina: an ethnographic account Latin American Research Review Auyero, Javier 2000 55-82 Vol.35, Nr.3 Cz 051
Class, ethnicity and gender in Brazil: the negotiation of workers identities in Porto Alegre's 1906 strike Latin American Research Review Bak, Joan 2000 83-124 Vol.35, Nr.3 Cz 051
Environmental protection issue networks in Amazonia Latin American Research Review Rodrigues, Maria Guadalupe 2000 125-154 Vol.35, Nr.3 Cz 051
Inter-american relations and encounters: recent directions in the literature Latin American Research Review Delpar, Helen 2000 155-172 Vol.35, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Labor markets and economic reform in Latin America: a review of recent research Latin American Research Review Tuman, John P. 2000 173-187 Vol.35, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Expanding perspectives on race in Brazil Latin American Research Review Davila, Jerry 2000 188-198 Vol.35, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Race, ideology, and culture in Cuba: recent scholarship Latin American Research Review Fuente, Alejandro de la 2000 199-210 Vol.35, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Haiti: the political economy and sociology of decay and renewal Latin American Research Review Gros, Jean-Germain 2000 211-226 Vol.35, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
End-of-the-century studies of Puerto Rico's economy, politics, and culture: what lies ahead? Latin American Research Review Pantojas-Garcia, Emilio 2000 227-240 Vol.35, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Mapping the minefield: the State of Chicago and U.S. latino literary and cultural studies Latin American Research Review Estill, Adriana 2000 241-250 Vol.35, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Writing transnationalism: recent publications on the U.S.-Mexico borderlands Latin American Research Review Grant Wood, Andrew 2000 251-265 Vol.35, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
The privatization of social security and women's welfare: gender effects of the Chilean reform Latin American Research Review Arenas de Mesa, Alberto; Montecinos, Veronica 1999 7-38 Vol.34, Nr.3 Cz 051
Myths of racial democracy: Cuba, 1900-1912 Latin American Research Review Fuente, Alejandro de la 1999 39-74 Vol.34, Nr.3 Cz 051
The strengths and limits of the NGO women's movement model: shaping Nicaragua's democratic institutions Latin American Research Review Ewig, Christina 1999 75-102 Vol.34, Nr.3 Cz 051

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