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Artykuły w czasopismach











The Role of Late Pre-contact Colonial Enclaves in the Development of the Postclassic Ucareo Valley, Michoacan, Mexico Ancient Mesoamerica Hernandez, Christine L.; Healan, Dan M. 2008 265-282 vol. 19, nr 2 (2008) Cz 192 special section: Recent Research on the Emergence of the Tarascan State
The Role of "Prosopis" in Ecological and Landscape Change in the Samaca Basin, Lower Ica Valley, South Coast Peru from the Early Horizon to the Late Intermediate Period Latin American Antiquity Beresford-Jones, David G. [et al.] 2009 303-332 Vol. 20, Nr 2 Cz 193 Archeologia
The Rise and Fall of the Dependency Movement: Does It Inform Underdevelopment Today? Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe Sanchez, Omar 2003 31-50 Vol.14 No.2 Cz 276
The rise and fall of sexual inequality: death and gender at Tikal, Guatemala Ancient Mesoamerica Haviland, William A. 1997 1-12 vol.8, nr.1 Cz 192
The rise and fall of Mexico's Green Movement Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Diez, Jordi 2008 81-99 No. 85 Cz 23 Ekologia
Ameryka Łacińska
The rise and fall of an ancient Maya petty royal court Latin American Antiquity Iannone, Gyles 2005 26-44 Vol.16, Nr 1 Cz 193
The rise and decline of economic structuralism in Latin America: new dimensions Latin American Research Review Love, Joseph L. 2005 100-125 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Research Forum
The ring villages of central Brazil: a challenge for Amazonian Archaeology Latin American Antiquity Wurst, Irmhild; Barreto, Cristiana 1999 3-24 Vol.10 Nr 1 Cz 193
The return of Quetzalcoatl: evidence for the spread of a world religion during the Epiclassic period Ancient Mesoamerica Ringle, William M.; Gallareta Negron, Tomas; Bey, George J. III 1998 183-232 vol.9, nr.2 Cz 192
The renaissance of Oaxaca City's historical archives Latin American Research Review Overmyer Velazquez, Mark; Yannakakis, Yanna 2002 186-198 Vol.37, Nr.1 Cz 051 Research Reports and Notes
The Remo Denomination. An Inquiry into the Ethnohistory of the Ucayali Basin Estudios Latinoamericanos Krokoszyński, Łukasz 2007 61-104 T. 27 Cz 004
The Relationship of Barley Producing Campesinos with Middlemen, Private Breweries and Public Agencies Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y el Caribe Medellin, Rodrigo A. 1987 31-52 No. 43 Cz 023
The reigning dynasty of Uaxactun during the early Classic: the rulers and the ruled Ancient Mesoamerica Valdes, Juan Antonio; Fahsen, Federico 1995 197-220 vol.6, nr.2 Cz 192
The Reflection of the Brazilian Political Opening in the "Telenovela [Soap Opera], 1974-1985 Studies in Latin American Popular Culture Straubhaar, Joseph D. 1988 59-76 Vol. 7 Cz 280
The Reconstruction of Community and Identity among Guatemalan Returnees Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Stolen, Kristi Anne 2004 3-24 No. 77 Cz 023
The Reconstitution of Indigenous Peoples in the Peruvian Andes Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies Naveda Felix, Igidio 2008 309-318 Vol. 3, No. 3 Cz 356 Polityka
Ameryka Łacińska
Ameryka Południowa
The Ras Tafari Movement - its Genesis and Functions. Estudios Latinoamericanos Nowicka, Ewa; Szwajcer, Leon (Trad.) 1976 61-90 T. 2 Cz 004
The Radio War Against Nicaragua Studies in Latin American Popular Culture Frederick, Howard H. 1987 217-234 Vol. 6 Cz 280
The Puzolana Obsidian Source: Locating the Geologic Source of Ayacucho Type Obsidian Andean Past Burger, Richard L.; Glascock, Michael D. 2001 289-307 Vol. 6 Cz 055
The puquios of Nazca Latin American Antiquity Schreiber, Katharina J.; Lancho Rojas, Josue 1995 229-254 Vol.6 Nr 3 Cz 193

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