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Artykuły w czasopismach











The spirit of ancent Peru, edited by Kathleen Berrin Latin American Antiquity Salazar-Burger, Lucy 1999 328-329 Vol.10 Nr 3 Cz 193 Book Notes
The Specter of Libaralism: Notes on the Democratic Party of Sao Paulo and the Historiography of Brazil Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe Woodard, James P. 2005 153-161 Vol.16 No.2 Cz 276
The sowing and the dawning: termination, dedication and transformation in the archaeological and ethnographic record of Mesoamerica, edited by Shirley Boteler-Mock Latin American Antiquity Hendon, Julia 1999 316-317 Vol. 10 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
The South American Camelids, by Duccio Bonavia Latin American Antiquity Moore, Katherine (rec.) 2009 386-387 Vol. 20, Nr 2 Cz 193 Review Archeologia
Ameryka Południowa
The Sources of Obsidian for Artifacts from Chobshi Cave, Ecuador Andean Past Burger, Richard L.; Asaro, Frank; Michel, Helen V. 1989 33-37 Vol. 2 Cz 055
The social scientist and the Indian Latin American Research Review Friedlander, Judith 1976 184-190 Vol.XI, No.2 Cz 051 Books in Review
The Social Impact of Afro-Brazilian Cult Religion Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe Levine, Robert M. 1994 37-58 Vol.5 No.1 Cz 276
The Social Experience of Childhood in Ancient Mesoamerica, edited by Traci Arden and Scott R. Hutson Latin American Antiquity Blomster, Jeffrey P. 2010 467-468 Vol. 21, Nr. 4 Cz 193 Book Review Architektura
The Social Democratization of the Latin American Left Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Panizza, Francisco E. 2005 95-104 No. 79 Cz 023 Exploraciones / Explorationas: The Left in Present-Day Latin America
The Social Bases of Political Parties in Argentina, 1912–2003 Latin American Research Review Lupu, Noam; Stokes, Susan C. 2009 58-87 Vol. 44, Nr 1 Cz 051 Historia - XX/XXI w.
The small margins of autonomous development: cooptation and control of urban social movements in Monterrey, Mexico Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y el Caribe Vellinga, Menno 1986 53-69 No. 41 Cz 023
The slave-drivers' war: Bussa and the 1816 Barbados slave rebellion Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y el Caribe McD. Beckles, Hilary 1985 85-110 No. 39 Cz 023
The Slave Silvestre's Disputed Sale: Corporal Punishment, Mental Health, Sexuality, and 'Vices' in Recife, 1869-1879 Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe Beattie, Peter M. 2005 41-66 Vol.16 No.1 Cz 276
The shape of Inca history: narrative and architecture in an andean empire, by Susan Niles Latin American Antiquity Malpass, Michael 1999 436-437 Vol.10 Nr 4 Cz 193 Reviews
The sexual revolution in Mexican studies: new perspectives on gender, sexuality, and culture in modern Mexico Latin American Research Review Bliss, Katherine Elaine 2001 247-268 Vol.36, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review Essays
The Secret of the Knot: Khipu No. 936 from the Maiman Collection Estudios Latinoamericanos Artzi Bat-ami 2010 187-214 Vol. 30 Cz 004 Archeologia
Indianie - Inkowie
The sacred landscape of the Inca: the Cuzco Ceque system, by Brian S. Bauer Latin American Antiquity Aveni, Anthony 1999 323-324 Vol.10 Nr 3 Cz 193
The Royal Treasury Accounts of Spanish America Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Tepaske, John Jay 1990 122-125 No. 49 Cz 023 Resenas / Book Reviews
The rough edges of Puerto Rican identities: race, gender, and transnationalism Latin American Research Review Duany, Jorge 2005 177-190 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
The Role of the Iglesia de Dios in the Processes of Religious and Social Change in the Mayo Valley, Sonora Frontera Norte O'Connor, Mary I. 1996 39-55 Vol.8, num.15 Cz 287

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