Tytuł |
Czasopismo |
Autorzy |
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Strony |
Tom |
Sygnatura |
Uwagi |
Tematyka |
Regiony |
The Transformation of Venezuela | Latin American Research Review | Trinkunas, Harold A. | 2010 | 239-247 | Vol. 45, Nr 3 | Cz 051 | Review Essays |
Historia Polityka Społeczeństwo |
Wenezuela |
The Tlailotlaque in Acolhua pictorial histories: imitators or inventors? | Journal de la Societe des Americanistes | Quinones Keber, Eloise | 1998 | 83-96 | T. 84-2 | Cz 003 | |||
The Third Wave of Democracy: Findings and Impilcations | Latin American Research Review | Lehoucq, Fabrice | 2008 | 245-254 | Vol. 43, Nr 1 | Cz 051 | review essay |
Polityka |
Ameryka Łacińska |
The theory of sectoral clashes and coalitions revisted | Latin American Research Review | Mamalakis, Markos J. | 1971 | 89-126 | Vol.VI, No.3 | Cz 051 | |||
The theme is variation: recent publications on the archaeology of Southern Mesoamerica | Latin American Research Review | Ashmore, Wendy | 1993 | 128-140 | Vol.28, Nr.1 | Cz 051 | Review essays | ||
The Terminal Formative to Classic Period Obsidian Assemblage at Palo Errado, Veracruz, Mexico | Latin American Antiquity | Knight, Charles L. F; Glascock, Michael D. | 2009 | 507-524 | Vol. 20, Nr 4 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia |
Meksyk Mezoameryka |
The Tenochca Empire of ancient Mexico: the Triple Alliance of Tenochtitlan, Tetzcoco, and Tlacopan, by Pedro Carrasco; and Estructura politico-territorial del imperio Tenochca: La Triple Alianza de... | Latin American Antiquity | Silverstein, Jay | 2000 | 306-308 | Vol.11 Nr 3 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
The Temple of Blindess: An Investigation of the Inca Shrine of Ancocagua | Andean Past | Reinhard, Johan | 1998 | 89-108 | Vol. 5 | Cz 055 | Thematic Section: Inca Studies | ||
The Telenovela and Emancipation: A Study on TV and Social Change in Brazil by Nico Vink | Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y el Caribe | Vellinga, Menno | 1989 | 141-144 | No. 46 | Cz 023 | |||
The Tastes of Mexican Culture | Studies in Latin American Popular Culture | Hunt, Nancy L. | 1988 | 283-290 | Vol. 7 | Cz 280 | Book Review Essays | ||
The Taki Onqoy and the Andean nation | Latin American Research Review | Mumford, Jeremy | 1998 | 150-165 | Vol.33, Nr.1 | Cz 051 | Research Reports and Notes | ||
The Tail that Wagged the Dog: The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States' Role in the 1983 Intervention in Grenada | Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies | Williams, Gary | 1996 | 95-115 | No. 61 | Cz 023 | |||
The sword and the crucifix: church-state relations and nationality in the nineteenth-century Dominican Republic | Latin American Research Review | Martinez-Fernandez, Luis | 1995 | 69-94 | Vol.30, Nr.1 | Cz 051 | |||
The sugar industry in postrevolutionary Mexico: state intervention and private capital | Latin American Research Review | Singelmann, Peter | 1993 | 61-88 | Vol.28, Nr.1 | Cz 051 | |||
The study of development | Latin American Research Review | Portes, Alejandro | 1976 | 213-221 | Vol.XI, No.1 | Cz 051 | Books in Review | ||
The stuctural paradox: Moche culture as political ideology | Latin American Antiquity | Bawden, Garth | 1995 | 255-273 | Vol.6 Nr 3 | Cz 193 | |||
The Struggle to Create a Radical Democracy in Bolivia | Latin American Research Review | Postero, Nancy | 2010 | 59-78 | Special Issue | Cz 051 | Special Issue: Living in Actually Existing Democracies |
Polityka |
Boliwia |
The strengths and limits of the NGO women's movement model: shaping Nicaragua's democratic institutions | Latin American Research Review | Ewig, Christina | 1999 | 75-102 | Vol.34, Nr.3 | Cz 051 | |||
The Street of the Dead...it realy was: mortuary bundles at Teotihuacan | Ancient Mesoamerica | Headrick, Annabeth | 1999 | 69-86 | vol.10, nr.1 | Cz 192 | |||
The state of of occupational stratification studies in Argentina | Latin American Research Review | Szuchman, Mark D.; Sofer, Eugene F. | 1976 | 159-172 | Vol.XI, No.1 | Cz 051 | Research Reports and Notes |