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Artykuły w czasopismach











Argentina: a hundred and fifty years of democratic praxis Latin American Research Review Rock, David 2005 221-234 Vol.40, Nr.2 Cz 051 Review Essays
Recent books on Latin American and latino/a popular culture Latin American Research Review Tatum, Charles 2005 235-241 Vol.40, Nr.2 Cz 051 Review Essays
Restucturing Brazil: institutional reform, economic liberalism, and pluralism Latin American Research Review Wampler, Brian 2005 242-252 Vol.40, Nr.2 Cz 051 Review Essays
From democracy to development: the political economy of post-neoliberal reform in Latin America Latin American Research Review Montero, Alfred P. 2005 253-267 Vol.40, Nr.2 Cz 051 Review Essays
Narrative, criticism and politics: negotiating Latin American transition Latin American Research Review Long, Ryan 2005 268-280 Vol.40, Nr.2 Cz 051 Review Essays
The Puerto Rican Paradox: colonialism revisited Latin American Research Review Pantojas-Garcia, Emilio 2005 163-176 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
The rough edges of Puerto Rican identities: race, gender, and transnationalism Latin American Research Review Duany, Jorge 2005 177-190 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Haiti's condemnation: history and culture at the crossroads Latin American Research Review Prou, Marc E. 2005 191-201 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Caribbean currents: recent studies in Caribbean music Latin American Research Review Munro Smith, Hope 2005 202-205 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Post-revisionist scholarship on race Latin American Research Review Appelbaum, Nancy P. 2005 206-217 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Juggling gender stereotypes: justifications and their consequences Latin American Research Review Collier, Jane F. 2005 218-229 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Latin America, sexualities, and our discontents Latin American Research Review Schaefer, Claudia 2005 230-243 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Decolonizing culture: visual arts, development narratives, and performance in the Americas Latin American Research Review Hedeen, Katherine M. 2005 244-253 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Colonial gender history Latin American Research Review Migden Socolow, Susan 2005 254-265 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Witches, wailers, and welfare: the religious economy of funerary culture and witchcraft in Latin America Latin American Research Review Chesnut, R. Andrew 2005 266-272 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Fast frames: insights into Mexican, Latin American, and Brazilian cinema Latin American Research Review Higginbotham, Virginia 2005 273-282 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Beyond identity? Analytic crosscurrents in contemporary Mayanist social science Latin American Research Review Field, Les W. 2005 283-293 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Writing without words / words without writing: the culture of khipu Latin American Research Review Beyersdorff, Margot 2005 294-311 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
Forming an informal empire without colonies: U.S.-Latin American relations Latin American Research Review Gilderhus, Mark T. 2005 312-325 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays
New interpretations of colonial Mexico from the conquest to independence Latin American Research Review Kicza, John E. 2005 326-334 Vol.40, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review Essays

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