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The Social Impact of Afro-Brazilian Cult Religion | Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe | Levine, Robert M. | 1994 | 37-58 | Vol.5 No.1 | Cz 276 | |||
Panamericanismo e hispanidad en la politica exterior argentina de la Segunda Guerra Mundial: la confrontacion politica en la creacion de identidades colectivas | Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe | Gonzalez de Oleaga, Marisa | 1994 | 59-82 | Vol.5 No.1 | Cz 276 | |||
La Protesta y la andinizacion del anarquismo en el Peru, 1912-1915 | Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe | Leibner, Gerardo | 1994 | 83-102 | Vol.5 No.1 | Cz 276 | |||
Escritura y frontera norqeste mexicana: bases para una investigacion | Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe | Hodara, Joseph | 1994 | 103-114 | Vol.5 No.1 | Cz 276 | |||
Migracion en cadena, redes sociales y movilidad. Reflexiones a partir de los casos de los sorianos y albaneses de Lujan (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1889-1920 | Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe | Marquiegui, Dedier Norberto | 1994 | 115-136 | Vol.5 No.1 | Cz 276 | |||
Ronald Newton: The "Nazi" Menace in Argentina, 1931-1947. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1992 | Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe | Senkman, Leonardo | 1994 | 137-146 | Vol.5 No.1 | Cz 276 | Resenas | ||
Raanan Rein: The Franco-Peron Alliance. Relations Between Spain and Argentina, 1946-1955. Pittsburgh University Press, 1993. | Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe | Quijada, Monica | 1994 | 147-148 | Vol.5 No.1 | Cz 276 | Resenas | ||
David Rock: Authoritarian Argentina. The Nationalist Movement, Its History and Its Impact. University of California Press, 1992. | Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe | Spektorowski, Alberto | 1994 | 149-152 | Vol.5 No.1 | Cz 276 | Resenas | ||
William Brandon: Quivira: Europeans in the Region of the Santa Fe Trail, 1540-1820. Athens, Ohio, Ohio University Press, 1990. | Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe | Eliav-Feldon, Miriam | 1994 | 153-154 | Vol.5 No.1 | Cz 276 | Resenas | ||
Editors' Foreworld: Disciplinary Overview of Manuscript Submissions and Publications 2002-2006 | Latin American Research Review | Ward, Peter M. [et al.] | 2007 | 3-15 | Vol.42, Nr.3 | Cz 051 | |||
Ethnogenesis or Neoindigenous Intelligentsia: Contemporary Mapuche-Huilliche Poetry | Latin American Research Review | Park, James | 2007 | 15-42 | Vol.42, Nr.3 | Cz 051 | |||
Extraterritorial Political Rights and Dual Citizenship in Latin America | Latin American Research Review | Escobar, Cristina | 2007 | 43-75 | Vol.42, Nr.3 | Cz 051 | |||
Attention Deficits: Why Politicians Ignore Defense Policy in Latin America | Latin American Research Review | Pion-Berlin, David; Trinkunas, Harold | 2007 | 76-100 | Vol.42, Nr.3 | Cz 051 | |||
"Nada de Papeluchos!" Managing Globalization in Early Porfirian Mexico | Latin American Research Review | Passananti, Thomas P. | 2007 | 101-128 | Vol.42, Nr.3 | Cz 051 | |||
Covering the Earth: Mapping the Walkabout in Andean "Pueblos de Indios" | Latin American Research Review | Beyersdorff, Margot | 2007 | 129-160 | Vol.42, Nr.3 | Cz 051 | |||
Researching Latin America: A Survey of How the New Generation Is Doing its Research | Latin American Research Review | Mazurkiewicz, Orchid; Potts, Claude H. | 2007 | 161-182 | Vol.42, Nr.3 | Cz 051 | Research Reports and Notes | ||
The "Graying" of Mexico and its Impact on Female-Headed Households: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations | Latin American Research Review | Finley, Ashley P. | 2007 | 183-204 | Vol.42, Nr.3 | Cz 051 | Research Reports and Notes | ||
Fragmented Feminisms and Disillusion with Democracy: Social Movement Downwings, Inadequate Institutions, and Alliances under Construction in Latin America | Latin American Research Review | Stevenson, Linda S. | 2007 | 205-221 | Vol.42, Nr.3 | Cz 051 | Review Essays | ||
Authoritarianism and Democracy in the Andes: State Weakness, Hybrid Regimes, and Societal Responses | Latin American Research Review | Carrion, Julio F. | 2007 | 222-234 | Vol.42, Nr.3 | Cz 051 | Review Essays | ||
The Political Economy of marhet Reform and a Revival of Structuralism | Latin American Research Review | Weyland, Kurt | 2007 | 235-250 | Vol.42, Nr.3 | Cz 051 | Review Essays |