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Artykuły w czasopismach











Latin American applied philosophy Latin American Research Review Donoso, Anton 1992 237-257 Vol.27, Nr.2 Cz 051 Review essays
Assessing recent reference works on Latin America Latin American Research Review Sheinin, David M. K. 1992 258-268 Vol.27, Nr.2 Cz 051 Review essays
Beyond hegemony: U.S.-Latin American relations in a "New World Order" Latin American Research Review Brysk, Alison 1992 165-176 Vol.27, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review essays
Ways of seeing education and social change in Latin America: a phenomenographic perspective Latin American Research Review Paulston, Rolland G. 1992 177-202 Vol.27, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review essays
Latin American film Latin American Research Review Gibbs, Virginia 1992 203-216 Vol.27, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review essays
Democratization and national development in Colombia Latin American Research Review Martz, John D. 1992 216-226 Vol.27, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review essays
The clash of cultures Latin American Research Review Schwaller, John Frederick 1992 227-243 Vol.27, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review essays
Conquest and aftermath: center and periphery in colonial Mexico Latin American Research Review Cline, Sarah 1992 244-253 Vol.27, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review essays
Unity and diversity in Central American history Latin American Research Review Lee Woodward, Ralph, Jr. 1992 254-266 Vol.27, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review essays
Technology policy and technological change: a Latin American emphasis Latin American Research Review James, Dilmus D. 1993 89-101 Vol.28, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review essays
"La parte mas dificil": recent works on nineteenth-century Mexican history Latin American Research Review Salvucci, Richard J. 1993 102-110 Vol.28, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review essays
The anthropology of Amazonia Latin American Research Review Vickers, William T. 1993 111-127 Vol.28, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review essays
The theme is variation: recent publications on the archaeology of Southern Mesoamerica Latin American Research Review Ashmore, Wendy 1993 128-140 Vol.28, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review essays
Cultural enactments: recent books on latin American theatre Latin American Research Review Unruh, Vicky 1993 141-149 Vol.28, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review essays
Slavery and the slave trade: new comparative approaches Latin American Research Review Murray, D.R. 1993 150-161 Vol.28, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review essays
Caribbean paths in the dark Latin American Research Review Dew, Edward 1993 162-173 Vol.28, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review essays
Agrarian class structures and state policies: past, present and future Latin American Research Review Grindle, Merilee S. 1993 174-187 Vol.28, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review essays
The "organization" of Mexican agriculture: conflicts and compromises Latin American Research Review Stanford, Lois 1993 188-201 Vol.28, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review essays
New directions and themes in Latin American labor and working-class history Latin American Research Review Spalding, Hobart A. 1993 202-214 Vol.28, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review essays
Colombia: understanding recent democratic transformations in a violent polity Latin American Research Review Gold-Biss, Michael 1993 215-234 Vol.28, Nr.1 Cz 051 Review essays

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