Tytuł |
Czasopismo |
Autorzy |
Rok |
Strony |
Tom |
Sygnatura |
Uwagi |
Tematyka |
Regiony |
Ursula Poeschel-Renz. "No quisimos soltar el agua" | Boletin Americanista | Luna, Lola G. | 2002 | 265-267 | Ano LII, No. 52 | Cz 116 | Resenas | ||
Urs P. Jäger, Vijay Sathe (ed.), Strategy and Competitiveness in Latin American Markets. The Sustainability Frontier, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham 2014. | Ameryka Łacińska | rec. Zuzanna Laskowska | 2015 | 80-84 | Nr 1 (87) | Cz 215/87 | Recenzja książki |
Literatura |
Ameryka Łacińska |
Urrutia, Jaime: Huamanga: Region, Proceso e Historia: 1536-1770 | Revista Andina | Remy Simatovic, Maria Isabel | 1984 | 330-331 | Ano 2, No 1 | Cz 17 | Resenas | ||
Uroczysta Sesja z okazji 75-lecia stosunków dyplomatycznych między Polską i Peru. Przemówienia okolicznościowe. | Ameryka Łacińska | Siwiński, Włodzimierz; Hubner, Danuta; Kozłowski, Maciej; Castaneda, J.E. Jorge | 1998 | 17-23 | Nr 3-4 (21-22) | Cz 215 | |||
Urcid Serrano, Javier "Zapotec hieroglyphic writing, Studies in Pre-Columbian art & archaeology" | Journal de la Societe des Americanistes | Davoust, Michel | 2002 | 286-288 | T. 88 | Cz 003 | Comptes Rendus | ||
Urbański, Edmund Stephen "Hispanic America and its civilizations" | Journal de la Societe des Americanistes | Soustelle, Jacques | 1985 | 219 | T. 71 | Cz 003 | Comptes Rendus | ||
Urbanization in the Caribbean Basin: social change during the years of the crisis | Latin American Research Review | Portes, Alejandro; Itzigsohn, Jose; Dore-Cabral, Carlos | 1994 | 3-38 | Vol.29, Nr.2 | Cz 051 | |||
Urbanism, militarism, and architectural design: an analysis Epiclassic sociopolitical structure at Xochicalco | Ancient Mesoamerica | Hirth, Kenneth G. | 1995 | 237-250 | vol.6, nr.2 | Cz 192 | |||
Urban Social Movements in the Third World, by F.J. Schuurman and T. van Naerssen (eds.) | Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies | Burgwal, Gerrit; Salman, Ton | 1990 | 132-135 | No. 48 | Cz 023 | |||
Urban social movements and political strategy in Latin America | Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y el Caribe | Wil, Pansters | 1986 | 13-27 | No. 41 | Cz 023 | |||
Urban Social Movements and Local Democracy in Brazil | Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies | Assies, Willem | 1993 | 39-58 | No. 55 | Cz 023 | |||
Upa. La conceptualisation de la parole et du silence dans la construction de l'identite quechua | Journal de la Societe des Americanistes | Howard-Malverde, Rosaleen | 1990 | 105-120 | T. 76 | Cz 003 | |||
Unlearning languages of development: from rhetoric to realism in recent studies of Latin America | Latin American Research Review | Davis, Diane E. | 1992 | 151-168 | Vol.27, Nr.1 | Cz 051 | Review essays | ||
Uniwersalne przesłania Ameryk na XXI wiek. | Ameryka Łacińska | Cerutti-Guldberg, Horacio | 2000 | 42-54 | Nr 2-3 (29-30) | Cz 215 | Wykład plenarny | ||
Universities of the Caribbean Region - Struggles to Democratize: an Annotated Bibliography by Barbara Ashton Waggoner and George R. Waggoner | Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y el Caribe | Hoefte, Rosemarijn | 1988 | 124 | No. 45 | Cz 023 | Resenas / Book Reviews | ||
Universidad de Quintana Roo - paradigmas de una Universidad Regional Mexicana | Revista del CESLA | Velazquez-Torres, David | 2002 | 95-110 | 4 | Cz 214 | |||
Unity and diversity in Central American history | Latin American Research Review | Lee Woodward, Ralph, Jr. | 1992 | 254-266 | Vol.27, Nr.3 | Cz 051 | Review essays | ||
United States Coverage of Latin America: A Short Historical Perspective | Studies in Latin American Popular Culture | Day, J. Laurence | 1987 | 301-309 | Vol. 6 | Cz 280 | |||
Union political tactics and democratic consolidation in Alfonsin's Argentina, 1983-1989 | Latin American Research Review | McGuire, James W. | 1992 | 37-74 | Vol.27, Nr.1 | Cz 051 | |||
Union election data as a political indicator | Latin American Research Review | Epstein, Edward C. | 1976 | 160-167 | Vol.XI, No.2 | Cz 051 | Research Reports and Notes |