Tytuł |
Czasopismo |
Autorzy |
Rok |
Strony |
Tom |
Sygnatura |
Uwagi |
Tematyka |
Regiony |
Buckingham, Louisa, "Las construcciones con verbo soporte en un corpus de especialidad" | Itinerarios: revista de estudios linguisticos, literarios, historicos y antropologicos | Mesa Arroyo, Maria del Pilar (rec.) | 2010 | 245-247 | Vol.11 | Cz 357 | Resena |
Językoznawstwo - j. hiszpański Językoznawstwo |
Hiszpania Ameryka Łacińska |
A Mito-Style Structure at Chavin de Huantar: Dating and Implications | Latin American Antiquity | Contreras, Daniel A. | 2010 | 3-21 | Vol. 21, Nr. 1 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia |
Peru |
Craft Specialists at Moche: Organization, Affiliations, and Identities | Latin American Antiquity | Bernier, Helene | 2010 | 22-43 | Vol. 21, Nr. 1 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia |
Peru |
Childhood Lost: Abductions, Sacrifice, and Trophy Heads of Children in the Wari Empire of the Ancient Andes | Latin American Antiquity | Tung, Tiffiny A.; Knudson, Kelly J. | 2010 | 44-66 | Vol. 21, Nr. 1 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia |
Peru |
Continuity and Transformation during the Terminal MIddle Horizon (A.D. 950-1150): A BIoarchaeological Assesment of Tumilaca Origins within the Middle Moquegua Valley, Peru | Latin American Antiquity | Sutter, Richard C; Sharratt, Nicola | 2010 | 67-86 | Vol. 21, Nr. 1 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia |
Peru |
Cultural Transformations of the Chanca Homeland (Andahuaylas, Peru) during the Late Intermediate Period (A.D. 1000-1400) | Latin American Antiquity | Bauer, Brian S.; Kellett, Lucas C | 2010 | 87-111 | Vol. 21, Nr. 1 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia |
Peru |
Cerro Lampay: Architectural Design and Human Interaction in the North Central Coast of Peru | Latin American Antiquity | Vega-Centeno, Rafael | 2010 | 115-146 | Vol. 21, Nr. 2 | cz 193 |
Archeologia Architektura |
Peru |
Architecture, Settlement, and Formative Developments in the Equatorial Andes: New Discoveries in the Department of Tumbes, Peru | Latin American Antiquity | Moore, Jerry D. | 2010 | 147-172 | Vol. 21, Nr. 2 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia Architektura |
Peru |
Inca "Stone Ancestors" in Context at a High-Altitude Usnu Platform | Latin American Antiquity | Meddens, Frankl M.; McEwan, Colin; VIvanco Pomacanchari, Cirilo | 2010 | 173-194 | Vol. 21, Nr. 2 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia |
Peru |
Lecturas estratigraficas: arquitectura funeraria y depositacion de residuos en el sambaqui Jabuticabeira II | Latin American Antiquity | Suarez Villagran, Ximena [ et al.] | 2010 | 195-216 | Vol. 21, Nr. 2 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia Architektura |
Brazylia |
The Arawak Diaspora | Latin American Antiquity | Stahl, Peter W. | 2010 | 217-223 | Vol. 21, Nr. 2 | Cz 193 | Book Review Essay |
Etnografia / etnologia Indianie |
Ameryka Południowa Ameryka Środkowa Karaiby |
Egalitarian Ideology and Political Power in Prehispanic Central Mexico: The Case of Tlaxcallan | Latin American Antiquity | Fargher, Lane F. | 2010 | 227-251 | Vol. 21, Nr. 3 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia Historia Historia - epoka prekolumbijska Polityka |
Meksyk Mezoameryka |
Hernendez Sanchez, Gilda | Latin American Antiquity | Vessels for Ceremony: the Pictography of Codex-Style Mexteca-Puebla Vessels from CEntral and South Mexico | 2010 | 252-273 | Vol. 21, Nr. 3 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia Religia Sztuka |
Meksyk Mezoameryka |
Cloth Production and Economic Intensification in the Area Surrounding Chichen Itza | Latin American Antiquity | Ardren, Traci [et a.] | 2010 | 274-289 | Vol. 21, Nr. 3 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia |
Meksyk Mezoameryka |
"Olmec" Head Shapes among the Preclassic Period Maya and Cultural Meanings | Latin American Antiquity | Tiesler, Vera | 2010 | 290-311 | Vol. 21, Nr. 3 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia Indianie - Majowie |
Mezoameryka |
Archaic Origins of the Lowland Maya | Latin American Antiquity | Lohse, Jon C. | 2010 | 312-352 | Vol. 21, Nr. 3 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia Indianie - Majowie |
Gwatemala Meksyk Mezoameryka |
Tierras Olvidadas: Chiribaya Landscape Engineering and Marginality in Southern Peru | Latin American Antiquity | Zaro, Gregory [et al.] | 2010 | 355-374 | Vol. 21, Nr. 4 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia |
Peru |
Sex-Specific Phenotypic Variability and Social Organization in the Chiribaya of Southern Peru | Latin American Antiquity | Nystrom, Kenneth C.; Malcom, Christine M. | 2010 | 375-398 | Vol. 21, Nr. 4 | Cz 193 |
Antropologia fizyczna Archeologia Historia - epoka prekolumbijska |
Peru |
Inca Sacrifice and the Mummy of Salinas Grandes | Latin American Antiquity | Besom, Thomas | 2010 | 399-422 | Vol. 21, Nr. 4 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia Indianie - Inkowie Religia |
Peru |
Formative Adaptations, Diet, and Oral Health in the Azapa Valley of the Northwest Chile | Latin American Antiquity | Watson, James T. [at al.] | 2010 | 423-439 | Vol. 21, Nr. 4 | Cz 193 |
Archeologia Medycyna / zdrowie |
Chile |