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Artykuły w czasopismach











The archaeology and pottery of Nazca, Peru: Alfred L. Kroeber's 1926 expedition, by Alfred L. Kroeber and Donald Collier; edited by Patrick H. Carmichael Latin American Antiquity Silverman, Helaine 1999 201-202 Vol. 10 Nr 2 Cz 193 Reviews
Actividad volcanica y pueblos precolombinos en el Ecuador, edited by Patricia Mothes Latin American Antiquity Sheets, Payson D. 1999 202-203 Vol. 10 Nr 1 Cz 193 Reviews
La muerte en el antiguo Peru: contextos y conceptos funerarios, edited by Peter Kaulicke Latin American Antiquity Cook, Anita G. 1999 203-204 Vol. 10 Nr 2 Cz 193 Reviews
Pre-Columbian art, by Esther Pasztory Latin American Antiquity Miller Graham, Mark 1999 315-316 Vol. 10 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
The sowing and the dawning: termination, dedication and transformation in the archaeological and ethnographic record of Mesoamerica, edited by Shirley Boteler-Mock Latin American Antiquity Hendon, Julia 1999 316-317 Vol. 10 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
In the shadow of Monte Alban: politics and historiography in postclassic Oaxaca, Mexico, by Maarten Jansen, Peter Krofges, and Michel R. Oudijk Latin American Antiquity Pohl, John M.D. 1999 317-318 Vol.10 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
La escultura de Yaxchilan, by Peter Lawrence Mathews Latin American Antiquity Josserand, J. Kathryn 1999 318-319 Vol.10 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
Papers on the Madrid Codex, edited by Victoria R. Bricker and Gabrielle Vail Latin American Antiquity Masson, Marilyn A. 1999 319-320 Vol.10 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
Arqueoictiofauna mexicana, by Oscar J. Polaco and Ana Fabiola Guzman Latin American Antiquity Emery, Kitty F. 1999 320-322 Vol.10 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
Maya stone tools of Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, and Becan and Chicanna, Campeche, by Irwin Rovner and Suzanne Lewenstein Latin American Antiquity Hester, Thomas R. 1999 322-323 Vol.10 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
Prehistoric stonework in the peruvian Andes: a case study at Ollantaytambo, by Lisbet Bengtsson Latin American Antiquity Nair, Stella 1999 324-325 Vol.10 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
The ceramics of Raquira, Colombia: gender, work and economic change, by Ronald J. Duncan Latin American Antiquity Deal, Michael 1999 325-326 Vol.10 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
Rio Bec, Chenes and Pucc styles in Maya architecture, by Paul Gendrop Latin American Antiquity Kowalski, Jeff Karl 1999 326-328 Vol.10 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
The shape of Inca history: narrative and architecture in an andean empire, by Susan Niles Latin American Antiquity Malpass, Michael 1999 436-437 Vol.10 Nr 4 Cz 193 Reviews
Vorspanische metallwaffen und -werkzeuge in Peru / Armas y herramientas de metal prehispanicas en Peru, by Eugen Friedrich Mayer Latin American Antiquity Lechtman, Heather 1999 437-438 Vol.10 Nr 4 Cz 193 Reviews
Poblacion, subsistencia y medio ambiente en San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, edited by Ann Cyphers Latin American Antiquity Pool, Christopher A. 1999 438-440 Vol.10 Nr 4 Cz 193 Reviews
Rio Azul: an ancient Maya city, by Richard E.W. Adams Latin American Antiquity Pyburn, Anne K. 1999 440-441 Vol.10 Nr 4 Cz 193 Reviews
Man corn: cannibalism and violence in the prehistoric american southwest, by Christy G. Turner II and Jacqueline A. Turner Latin American Antiquity Darling, Andrew J. 1999 441-442 Vol.10 Nr 4 Cz 193 Reviews
Pachacamac durant l'intermediaire recent: etude d'un site monumental prehipanique de la Cote du Peru, edited by Peter Eeckhout Latin American Antiquity Chapdelaine, Claude 2000 303-304 Vol.11 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
Early scholars' visits to Central America: reports by Karl Sapper, Walter Lehman, and Franz Termer, edited by Marilyn Beaudry-Corbett and Ellen T. Hardy Latin American Antiquity Clark, John E. 2000 304-305 Vol.11 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews

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