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Artykuły w czasopismach











Iterpretacion numerica de las edades de indios en la cronica de Guaman Poma de Ayala u el concepto del paqarina en la mitologia andina. Ethnologia Polona Mróz, Marcin 1986 119-149 T. 11: 1985 Cz 022
Los efectos culturales de la expansion del protestantismo en las comunidades indigenas de America Latina. El caso andino. Ethnologia Polona Posern-Zieliński, Aleksander; Socorro, M. (Trad.) 1986 149-177 T. 11: 1985 Cz 022
Two types of traditional medicine in Afghanistan. Ethnologia Polona Penkala-Gawęcka, Danuta; Wiertlewski, S. (Trans.) 1986 227-237 T. 11: 1985 Cz 022
Mongolina games of dice. Their symbolic and magic meaning. Ethnologia Polona Kabzińska-Stawarz, Iwona; Wiertlewski, S. 1986 237-265 T. 11: 1985 Cz 022
Non verbal communication in thw anthropological field study> Some theoretical remarks. Ethnologia Polona Goździak, Elżbieta 1986 265-273 T. 11: 1985 Cz 022
Cognitive possibilities of ethnoarcheology: some theoretical considerations. Ethnologia Polona Kobyliński, Zbigniew 1986 273-280 T. 11: 1985 Cz 022
Towards Comparative History of Eastern Europe and Layin America (20th century). Estudios Latinoamericanos Stemplowski, Ryszard; Goc, Piotr (Trad.) 1992 15-23 T. 14/I Cz 004
Methodological Foundations of Comparative Studies of Large Regions of the World. Estudios Latinoamericanos Topolski, Jerzy 1992 23-37 T. 14/I Cz 004
East Central Europe in the 20th Century. An Introduction to the Subject. Estudios Latinoamericanos Tomaszewski, Jerzy 1992 37-49 T. 14/I Cz 004
Latin America within the Third World: the Search for a New Identity, the Acceptance of Old Contents. Estudios Latinoamericanos Mansilla, H.C.F. 1992 65-81 T. 14/I Cz 004
Uniformity or Diversity? Central-Eastern Europe before and after 1945. Estudios Latinoamericanos Roszkowski, Wojciech 1992 49-65 T. 14/I Cz 004
Developpement historique de deux frontieres. En expansion de l'Europe jusqu'au Xxe siecle: l'Amerique latine et l'Europe de l'Est. Estudios Latinoamericanos Piel, Jean 1992 81-87 T. 14/I Cz 004
Newly Industrializing Countries versus East European Economies. An Outline of Comparative Analysis. Estudios Latinoamericanos Muller, Aleksander 1992 121-163 T. 14/I Cz 004
Growth, Decay and Future of Economic Nationalism (Notes) Estudios Latinoamericanos Szlajfer, Henryk 1992 163-173 T. 14/I Cz 004
The National and the Revolutionary. Tenative Reflections on the Intertwining of Both Spheres in Revolution. Estudios Latinoamericanos Kula, Marcin 1992 107-121 T. 14/I Cz 004
Latin America and Eastern Europe as Spheres of Influence. Estudios Latinoamericanos Knothe, Tomasz 1992 173-181 T. 14/I Cz 004
Peasant Societes and Strategies of Social Reproduction in the Comparative Perspective: Southern Poland and Central Mexico in the 20th Century. Estudios Latinoamericanos Gonzales Martinez, Joaquin Roberto 1992 199-213 T. 14/I Cz 004
Socio-Historical Models of Spanish-American Democratization: A Review and a Reformulation. Estudios Latinoamericanos Forment, Carlos A. 1992 213-241 T. 14/I Cz 004
The Implications for Economic and Social Policy of the Transformations Underway in Eastern Europe and Latin America. Estudios Latinoamericanos Graham, Lawrence S. 1992 241-251 T. 14/I Cz 004
Peasant Movements in Eastern Europe and Latin America. Estudios Latinoamericanos Dahlmann, Dittmar 1992 181-199 T. 14/I Cz 004

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