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At the edge of the world: caves and late classic Maya world view, by Karen Bassie-Sweet | Latin American Antiquity | Brady, James E. | 1997 | 159 | Vol. 8 Nr 2 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Jalieza, Oaxaca: activity specialization at a hilltop center, by Laura Finsten | Latin American Antiquity | Hirth, Kenneth G. | 1997 | 159-160 | Vol. 8 Nr 2 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Zapotec civilization: How urban society evolved in Mexico's Oaxaca Valley, by Joyce Marcus and Kent V. Flannery | Latin American Antiquity | Cowgill, George L. | 1997 | 161-162 | Vol. 8 Nr 2 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Chavin de Huantar. Excavaciones en la Galeria de las Ofrendas, by Luis Guillermo Lumbreras | Latin American Antiquity | Burger, Richard L. | 1997 | 164-165 | Vol. 8 Nr 2 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Moche: propuestas y perspectivas, edited by Santiago Uceda and Elias Mujica | Latin American Antiquity | Moore, Jerry D. | 1997 | 165-167 | Vol. 8 Nr 2 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Beyond Death. The Chinchorro mummies of ancient Chile, by Bernardo T. Arriaza | Latin American Antiquity | Guillen, Sonia E. | 1997 | 167-168 | Vol. 8 Nr 2 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Aztec imperial strategies, by Francis F. Berdan, Richard Blanton, Elizabeth Hill Boone, Mary G. Hodge, Michael E. Smith, and Emily Umberger | Latin American Antiquity | Toby Evans, Susan | 1997 | 273-274 | Vol. 8 Nr 3 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
The managed mosaic: ancient Maya Agriculture and resource use, edited by Scott L. Fedick | Latin American Antiquity | Hammond, Norman | 1997 | 274-276 | Vol. 8 Nr 3 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Images from the Underworld: Naj Tunich and the tradicion of Maya cave painting, by Andrea J. Stone | Latin American Antiquity | Pohl, Mary | 1997 | 276-277 | Vol. 8 Nr 3 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Paths to Central American Prehistory, edited by Fredrick W. Lange | Latin American Antiquity | Snarskis, Michael J. | 1997 | 279-280 | Vol. 8 Nr 3 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Pyramids of Tucume: The Quest for Peru's forgotten city, by Thor Heyerdahl, Daniel Sandweiss, a nd Alfredo Narvaez | Latin American Antiquity | Klymyshyn, Ulana A.M. | 1997 | 279-280 | Vol. 8 Nr 3 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Architecture and power in the ancient Andes: The archaeology of public buildings, by Jerry D. Moore | Latin American Antiquity | Pozorski, Thomas | 1997 | 280-281 | Vol. 8 Nr 3 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Limatambo: archaeology, history and the regional societies of Inca Cusco, by Ken Heffernan | Latin American Antiquity | McEwan, Gordon | 1997 | 281-282 | Vol. 8 Nr 3 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Astronomy and empire in the ancient Andes, by Brian S. Bauer and David S.P.Dearborn | Latin American Antiquity | Robbins, Robert R. | 1997 | 282-283 | Vol. 8 Nr 3 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Tiwanaku and its hinterland: Archaeology and paleoecology of an andean civilization. Volume 1: Agroecology, edited by Alan L. Kolata | Latin American Antiquity | Hastorf, Christine | 1997 | 283-284 | Vol. 8 Nr 3 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Ancient West Mexico: Art. And archaeology of the unknown past, edited by Richard Townsend | Latin American Antiquity | Perlstein Pollard, Helen | 1999 | 91-92 | Vol. 10 Nr 1 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Daily life of the Aztecs: People of the sun and earth, by David Carrasco with Scott Sessions | Latin American Antiquity | Charlton, Thomas H. | 1999 | 92-93 | Vol. 10 Nr 1 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Pottery ethnoarchaeology in the Central Maya Highlands, by Michael Deal | Latin American Antiquity | Arnold, Dean A. | 1999 | 93-95 | Vol. 10 Nr 1 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
La perspectiva espacial en arqueologia, by Claudia Barros and Javier Nastri | Latin American Antiquity | Langeback, Carl Henrik | 1999 | 95-96 | Vol. 10 Nr 1 | Cz 193 | Reviews | ||
Montane foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic, by Mark S. Aldenderfer | Latin American Antiquity | Winterhalder, Bruce | 1999 | 96-98 | Vol. 10 Nr 1 | Cz 193 | Reviews |