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Artykuły w czasopismach











At the edge of the world: caves and late classic Maya world view, by Karen Bassie-Sweet Latin American Antiquity Brady, James E. 1997 159 Vol. 8 Nr 2 Cz 193 Reviews
Jalieza, Oaxaca: activity specialization at a hilltop center, by Laura Finsten Latin American Antiquity Hirth, Kenneth G. 1997 159-160 Vol. 8 Nr 2 Cz 193 Reviews
Zapotec civilization: How urban society evolved in Mexico's Oaxaca Valley, by Joyce Marcus and Kent V. Flannery Latin American Antiquity Cowgill, George L. 1997 161-162 Vol. 8 Nr 2 Cz 193 Reviews
Chavin de Huantar. Excavaciones en la Galeria de las Ofrendas, by Luis Guillermo Lumbreras Latin American Antiquity Burger, Richard L. 1997 164-165 Vol. 8 Nr 2 Cz 193 Reviews
Moche: propuestas y perspectivas, edited by Santiago Uceda and Elias Mujica Latin American Antiquity Moore, Jerry D. 1997 165-167 Vol. 8 Nr 2 Cz 193 Reviews
Beyond Death. The Chinchorro mummies of ancient Chile, by Bernardo T. Arriaza Latin American Antiquity Guillen, Sonia E. 1997 167-168 Vol. 8 Nr 2 Cz 193 Reviews
Aztec imperial strategies, by Francis F. Berdan, Richard Blanton, Elizabeth Hill Boone, Mary G. Hodge, Michael E. Smith, and Emily Umberger Latin American Antiquity Toby Evans, Susan 1997 273-274 Vol. 8 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
The managed mosaic: ancient Maya Agriculture and resource use, edited by Scott L. Fedick Latin American Antiquity Hammond, Norman 1997 274-276 Vol. 8 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
Images from the Underworld: Naj Tunich and the tradicion of Maya cave painting, by Andrea J. Stone Latin American Antiquity Pohl, Mary 1997 276-277 Vol. 8 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
Paths to Central American Prehistory, edited by Fredrick W. Lange Latin American Antiquity Snarskis, Michael J. 1997 279-280 Vol. 8 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
Pyramids of Tucume: The Quest for Peru's forgotten city, by Thor Heyerdahl, Daniel Sandweiss, a nd Alfredo Narvaez Latin American Antiquity Klymyshyn, Ulana A.M. 1997 279-280 Vol. 8 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
Architecture and power in the ancient Andes: The archaeology of public buildings, by Jerry D. Moore Latin American Antiquity Pozorski, Thomas 1997 280-281 Vol. 8 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
Limatambo: archaeology, history and the regional societies of Inca Cusco, by Ken Heffernan Latin American Antiquity McEwan, Gordon 1997 281-282 Vol. 8 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
Astronomy and empire in the ancient Andes, by Brian S. Bauer and David S.P.Dearborn Latin American Antiquity Robbins, Robert R. 1997 282-283 Vol. 8 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
Tiwanaku and its hinterland: Archaeology and paleoecology of an andean civilization. Volume 1: Agroecology, edited by Alan L. Kolata Latin American Antiquity Hastorf, Christine 1997 283-284 Vol. 8 Nr 3 Cz 193 Reviews
Ancient West Mexico: Art. And archaeology of the unknown past, edited by Richard Townsend Latin American Antiquity Perlstein Pollard, Helen 1999 91-92 Vol. 10 Nr 1 Cz 193 Reviews
Daily life of the Aztecs: People of the sun and earth, by David Carrasco with Scott Sessions Latin American Antiquity Charlton, Thomas H. 1999 92-93 Vol. 10 Nr 1 Cz 193 Reviews
Pottery ethnoarchaeology in the Central Maya Highlands, by Michael Deal Latin American Antiquity Arnold, Dean A. 1999 93-95 Vol. 10 Nr 1 Cz 193 Reviews
La perspectiva espacial en arqueologia, by Claudia Barros and Javier Nastri Latin American Antiquity Langeback, Carl Henrik 1999 95-96 Vol. 10 Nr 1 Cz 193 Reviews
Montane foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic, by Mark S. Aldenderfer Latin American Antiquity Winterhalder, Bruce 1999 96-98 Vol. 10 Nr 1 Cz 193 Reviews

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