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Artykuły w czasopismach











Why Brazilians Are Not Like Us Studies in Latin American Popular Culture Levine, Robert M. 1986 238-240 Vol. 5 Cz 280 Book Review Essays
Why Aren't Your Nails Polished? The Paradoxes of Woman and Socialism in Cuba Revista del CESLA Escudero, Monica 2001 129-149 2 Cz 214
Why Are Pentecostals Politically Ambiguous? Pentecostalism and Politics in Argentina, 1983-1995 Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Miguez, Daniel 1999 57-74 No. 67 Cz 023
Who Wants to Know? Rumors, Suspicions, and Options to Truth-telling in Ayacucho Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies Yezer, Caroline 2008 271-290 Vol. 3, No. 3 Cz 356 Historia - XX/XXI w.
Ameryka Łacińska
Ameryka Południowa
Who Votes for chavismo? Class Voting in Hugo Chavez's Venezuela Latin American Research Review Lupu, Noam 2010 7-32 Vol. 45, Nr 1 Cz 051 Polityka
Who Takes a Seat at the Pro-Poor Table?: Civil Society Participation in the Honduran Poverty Reduction Strategy Latin American Research Review Dewachter Sara, Molenaers Nadia 2011 111-132 Vol. 46 Nr 3 Cz 051 Ekonomia
Who Remembers the People of Firelands? Reflections Inspired by Martin Gusinde's Manuscript Remains. A Contribution to the Study of Linguistic Extermination. Review Article. Estudios Latinoamericanos Klafkowski, Piotr 1999 173-207 T. 19 Cz 004
Who benefits from economic development? The Brazilian income distribution controversy revisited Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y el Caribe Hakkert, Ralph 1984 83-103 No. 36 Cz 023
Who are the Indians? Reconceptualizing indigenous identity, resistance and the role of social science in Latin America Latin American Research Review Field, Les W. 1994 237-248 Vol.29, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review essays
When is a turtle a turtle? Representations of Social Solidarity in Rock Art. Journal de la Societe des Americanistes Lanoue, Guy 1990 7-32 T. 76 Cz 003
What's Popular in the New Latin American Cinema? Studies in Latin American Popular Culture Mraz, John 1988 321-329 Vol. 7 Cz 280 Book Review Essays
What's in a name: gender, power and Classic Maya women rulers Ancient Mesoamerica Hewitt, Erica A. 1999 251-262 vol.10, nr.2 Cz 192
What Was behind Mexico's Peasant Revolution? Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Ouweneel, Arij 1990 99-115 No. 48 Cz 023 Resenas / Book Reviews
What is the color of the Holy Spirit? Pentecostalism and Black identity in Brazil Latin American Research Review Burdick, John 1999 109-131 Vol.34, Nr.2 Cz 051 Research Reports and Notes
What have we learned from the Noriega crisis? Latin American Research Review Ropp, Steve C. 1993 189-196 Vol.28, Nr.3 Cz 051 Review essays
What Difference Does Gender Make? The Extreme Right in the ABC Countries in the Era of Fascism Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe McGee Deutsch, Sandra 1997 5-22 Vol.8 No.2 Cz 276
What Democracy Means to Citizens - and Why It Matters Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del CaribeEuropean Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Baviskar, Siddhartha; Malone, Mary Fran T. 2004 3-23 No. 76 Cz 023
What can be learned by estimating human energy costs? Ancient Mesoamerica Drennan, Robert D. 1994 209-212 vol.5, nr.2 Cz 192
What about Peru? Recent Works in Andean Studies Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies La Serna, Miguel 2008 205-214 Vol. 3, No. 2 Cz 356 review essays Kultura
Ameryka Łacińska
Ameryka Południowa
Werken onder de boom. Dynamiek en informele sector: de situatie in Groot-Paramaribo, by Paul van Gelder Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y el Caribe Boer, Leen 1987 150-151 No. 43 Cz 023 Resenas / Book Reviews

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